MediTec - Training for Medical Education via Inovative e-Technology
Training zur Verbesserung der medizinischen Ausbildung mittels innovativer Technologien
Die offizielle Webseite finden Sie bei unserem Projetpartnern in Jordanien:
Das MediTec-Projekt unterstützt und modernisiert die medizinische Ausbildung in Jordanien, im Irak und im Iran durch die Einrichtung innovativer Ausbildungszentren mit Immersive Medical Learning Platform und realistischen Simulationsmodellen zur Verbesserung der praktischen und sozialen Kompetenzen für Studenten in medizinischer Ausbildung in Jordanien, Irak, und Iran. Weiteres Ziel: Einrichtung eines innovativen medizinischen Ausbildungszentrums mit der Immersive Medical Learning Platform zur Ausbildung von Lehrern und Studenten für innovative Medizintechnik
• Schulung von Ausbildern, Mitarbeitern und Studenten zu innovativen Technologien an EU-Universitäten
• Anpassung der Ausbildung an innovativer Technologie im Unterrichtsprozess
• Verbesserung von trainingsmethodischen Komplexen auf Basis modernisierter Trainings
• Entwicklung und Bereitstellung, Schulungsprogramm, Multimedia und Materialien für Schulungen zu innovativen Technologien
• Ausbildung von Studenten in der EU und im Zentrum
• Entwicklung von praktischen Kursen speziell für diese neue Lernumgebung.
• Stärkung der Qualität der Doktoranden durch Besuche und die Zusammenarbeit mit der EU
Local Dissemination: Hashemite University presents the project to staff and new students
During this day, the project main ideas, objectives and anticipated activities were presented to staff and to the newly admitted medical students at Hashemite University during the annual meeting.
Kick-Off Meeting in Jordan

Das Kick-Off-Meeting fand vom 22. Februar bis zum 24. Februar 2018 in Jordanien statt. Professor Klaus Hänßgen (Projektkoordinator) und Professor Fahmi Abu Al-Rub (Lokaler Koordinator für Jordanien) hießen alle Projektpartner willkommen. Am Nachmittag wurden die Inhalte zu Arbeitspaket WP1 diskutiert um das Projekt zu starten.
The kick off meeting took place February 22 to February 24, 2018, in Jordan. Professor Klaus Hänßgen (Project coordinator) and Prof. Fahmi Abu Al-Rub (Local Coordinator for Jordan) welcomed all project members. In the afternoon, WP1 was discussed to jointly start the project.
The Kick-off meeting of Erasmus+ project MediTec was held from 22nd to 24th February 2018 in Amman, Jordan. According to the agenda of the meeting, all the partners presented their universities, staff and the roles in the project as well. Then the coordinator of the project presented the objectives, expected results and impact, activities and scheduling, budget, cash flow and the most important deadlines of individual project’s periods. Following the discussions between all participating partners, and to clarify particular activities of the project, all the work packages were presented separately in more details. At the end of the MediTec kick-off meeting, the steering committee of the project established members of project's sub-committees and specified their particular roles to ensure well organized implementation of the project.
Local Dissemination: Hashemite University presents the discussion of the Kick-Off-Meeting to students and staff

PowerPoint slides were presented to students and staff reflecting the project goals and objectives to transfer the knowledge and the experiences of Hashemite University in medical education, and revealing new means of medical education disseminated at the dead sea kickoff meeting through project partners.
1. MediTec Staff Training in Košice, Slovakia

2018-11-21 - 2018-11-24
Vom 21. bis zum 24. November findet in Košice ein Training statt. Mehr Information finden Sie auf der der offiziellen Projektwebseite.
Im Rahmen des Treffens findet am 22.11.2018 das zweite Management-Treffen der Projektkoordinatoren statt.
The first project's training in Košice, Slovakia was intended for teachers from partner countries. The training took place at the Faculty of Medicine, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJS), Trieda SNP 1, Košice, Slovakia on 21st to 24th November 2018.
Management: 2st Management meeting has been held in conjunction with the training in Slovakia
2008-11-21 - 2008-11-24
The second management meeting of MediTe was organized by Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Slovakia, between 21 and 24 of November, 2018.
This meeting was organized in parallel to staff training by MediTec. The training needs of Iraq, Iran and Jordan were discussed, the equipment installation and financial issues were discussed.
Different visises were organized for different centers and laporatoriein Kosice, to show good models for centers and modern laboratories. The work packages of the capacity building and development stages were discussed in detailes, the dissemination of the project and the upcoming events too.
Management: Monitoring visit of NEO in Jordan
The first field monitoring visit in Jordan by the National Erasmus+ Office in Jordan has been done in December.
In Jordan, the 1st monitoring local monitoring visit by the National Erasmus+ Office/Jordan was organized and held at Jordan University of Science and Technology. The local coordinator of MediTec in Jordan; Prof Fahmi Abu Al-Rub presented the progress of the project activities, other contact persons of MediTec in Jordan from YU, HU, UJ, PSUT attended and presented the different workpackge and palns.
The experts in the medicine collages from JUST, YU, HU and UJ attended, and during the discussions; the teachers who trained in Kosice, Slovak (1st staff training) shared their feedback on the training; they happily shared their experience from the well-organized training, the new topics and innovative technologies they were trained in Kosice; as they said “Very needed innovation technologies in our collages, we see new technologies that can improve the health systems in jordan, and very needed to us, these technologies never been in Jordan, the Meditec and training met more than our expectations. We think about future collaboration in the fields of new innovation Medical-Engineering technologies”.
2. MediTec Training at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Vorankündigung: Das zweite Training im Projekt MediTec findet vom 14.-18. Januar 2019 in Brno (Brünn) statt.
MediTec Training At Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

2019-01-14 - 2019-01-18
The training for teachers in Brno, Czech Republic was organised by Masaryk University during the period of 14th to 18th January 2019. The training agenda was prepared according to the MediTec project specific objectives that should identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats of the existing training programs, including academic and non-academic staff skills as well as to introduce and modernise the training curriculum, teaching material and exam methods as base for improved training program in Health Sciences. The Brno workshop was targeted on obtaining a broader insight of the above stated objectives and relied on participants' expertise and experience in these areas.
Jordan University of Science and Technology receives and installs the equipment
MediTec Centers: Teheran University of Medical Sciences receives equipment
Teheran University of Medical Sciences has received the equipment used in MediTec. More than 500 students each year will benefit from the new equipment, which will be used in the MD program's clinical courses.
University of Duhok receives the equipment

Dissemination: Scientific Day of the Faculty of Medicine - University of Jordan

JUST and UJ participated in the dissemination activities of the MediTec at the Scientific Day of the Faculty of Medicine at UJ, which was held on April 11, 2019. A booth for the MediTec was offered by the Faculty of Medicine, where MediTec roll-up, brochures, and other dissemination materials were presented
MediTec Centers: Hashemite University installs equipment and engages students

The installation of Zspace and human anatomy models and other equipment took place at the faculty of medicine at Hashemite University. A dedicated laboratory was assigned for this purpose.
Equipment has been received at Hashemite University and Yyarmouk University

May 2019, the HU & YU Faculties of Medicine installed the 3D Anatomy hardware, human anatomy models and other equipment. In addition, a software download with a session of training from the supplier on the use of the Z-space system for anatomy teaching material through the 3D virtual screen. A dedicated “MediTec Lab of Excellence” was assigned for this purpose.
3. MediTec Training at University of Malta, Malta
Vorankündigung: Das dritte Training im MediTec-Projekt findet vom 02. bis 13. September 2019 auf Malta statt.
The training for students took place September 02-13, 2019 at the premises of University of Malta, Malta.
Training meeting for staff at the University of Malta
26.08.2019 - 28.06.2019
The training for teachers in Malta was organised by University of Malta during the period of 26th to 28th of June 2019. The training agenda was prepared according to the MediTec project specific objectives and included in-class training on such topics, as Health Informatics, Health Systems Management, and Leadership, Dental curriculum Review and Update, Advances in Medical Education, and field visits to the Mater Dei Hospital and the Simulation Lab.
Management: A Management meeting was held in Malta in conjunction with the staff training

1. MediTec student training in Brno, Czech Republic

2019-07-8 - 2019-07-19
The first student training was held at the Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. 8 Iraqi, 4 Iranian and 6 Jordanian students participated.
The training designed to include both theoretical and laboratory tasks and many visits (visiting anatomy’s department and museum and St. Anne's University Hospital).
Yarmouk University receives equipment for the Lab of Excellence
On July 22, 2019, Yarmouk University opens its lab of excellence on its campus.
Local Dissemination: Hashemite University presents the project to medical students

Dr Aiman Al Sharei
The faculty of medicine presented what’s new and innovative in medical education using 3D visualized anatomy application and devices. An info day and internal presentation to medical students was hosted in the Digital Anatomy Lab and in the newly established Center for Innovative Training in Medical Education, a project funded by Erasmus+.
Objectives: To familiarize students with the current means of incorporating technology with medical education, students were introduced to the project and its goals. To make students experience by themselves the newly installed 3D Anatomy software and hardware and to be encouraged to utilize it at larger scale, in addition to incorporating them in the process of reshaping the pedagogical methods in delivering anatomy knowledge.
MediTec center: Iran University of Science and Technology opens the Center
September 17, 2019, the medical training center has been opened at Iran University of Medical Sciences (IUMS).
2. MediTec Student training was held in Kosice, Slovakia

Vorankündigung: In den ersten beiden Septemberwochen fand das Studententraining organisiert von der Universität UPJS statt.
The MediTec project's training for students in Košice, Slovakia was organized from 1st to 14th September 2019. The agenda of the training was conducted as a combination of selected lectures and practical lessons from theoretical and clinical disciplines taught at Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Faculty of Medicine.
3. MediTec Student Training at the University of Malta

Vorankündigung: In den ersten beiden Septemberwochen fand das Studententraining organisiert von der Universität Malta statt.
2019-09-02 - 2019-09-13
The student training in Malta took place September 2 to September 13, 2019.
MediTec Center: TUMS opens its MediTec Lab of Excellence

The MediTec Lab of Excellence (simulation center) was inaugurated on September 17th by Dr. Kordi (TUMS Vice-chancellor for Global strategies and international Affairs), some academics and staff from the office of International Relations, Clinical Skills Center, and School of Medicine aiming at improving the practical and soft skills for students in medical education.
The MediTech project is part of the Erasmus Plus program in the form of a capacity building project. It aims to enhance the scientific and practical skills of medical professors and students in using Innovative equipment and simulated models. The project was first launched in 2017 in partnership with universities and institutions from Iran, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Malta, Jordan and Iraq, with the financial support of the European Union. In other words, a consortium of five European universities, five Iraqi universities, five Jordanian universities and two Iranian universities are working together on the project, through which EU equipment and facilities have been donated to non-European universities. This MediTech lab is integrated into the TUMS Clinical Skills Center to improve the practical and soft skills for students in medical education, and is located on the third floor of the University's Clinical Skills Center.
Equipment training at Hashemite University
Staff members receive training on the equipment.
Management: HTWK joins the National Erasmus Organization visit at Hashemite University
On October 16, 2019, the project coordinator joins the meeting with the National Erasmus Oprganization at Hashemite University.
Local Dissemination: Workshop to discuss training in Malta

Staff training at the University of Duhok January 8-9, 2020

Staff training at the University of Duhok and the Dissemination Seminar for Medical education via innovative eTechnology /MediTec has been conducted on January 8-9, 2020
Professors of the Masaryk University, Brno - Dr. Ales Bourek and Dr. Erik Staffa visited the University of Duhok and performed the training.
The following general areas were addressed during this 2-day meeting:
- Health Service Transformation, Health Literacy (What it is and how to train it efficiently)
- Medical studies curriculum, specifically in Biophysics
- Quality management and collaboration in health care.
Local Dissemination: Aleš Bourek spoke at the COVID 19 distance learning workshop organized at TUMS

The COVID-19 outbreak changes education and teaching worldwide. TUMS is therefore holding a conference on that topic. All material are provided online for free.
On May 20, 2020, Professor Ales Bourek (Masaryk University) joins the workshop on COVID-19 distance learning held at TUMS as a speaker and panel member.
Management meeting with Iraq and Iran

The online meeting of MediTec Project Partners from Iraq and Iran with the project coordinator (HTWK) was held on Tuesday, June 9, 2020. The main topics discussed at this meeting were around medical equipment supply in Iraq and Iran. The meeting started with providing a report of the current situation regarding the SARS-Cov-2/Covid19 pandemic in both countries. Later, medical equipment delivery to Iran and Iraq were discussed in detail. The integration of relevant courses into the curricula of health care programs at university level were assessed, following which the implementation of pertinent activities and dissemination through local and central webpages were considered.
MediTec staff and technical training

Due to COVID-19 restrictions in Iraq, the first training sessions for the z-Space equipment at the University of Basrah have been done as an online-course.
MediTec 2020 Workshop at Teheran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS)

The Teheran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) started a blended learning workshop for medical sciences running August 31st to September 21st.
134 participants signed up for the workshop so far.
Detailed information can be found on:
TUMS workshop continues with more webinars

The workshop "Emerging Technologies in Medical Education" at TUMS continues with five more talks in a webinar on "Medical Education Critical Issues during COVID-19 Crisis" on September 9.
Register at:
TUMS workshop continues with more webinars

The ongoing workshop "Emerging Technologies in Medical Education" at TUMS continues with five more talks in a webinar on "Simulation in Medical Education" on September 16.
Register at:
MediTec: TUMS workshop announces four talks for the closing webinar.

The topic for week 4 of the workshop is "Sharing e-Learning experiences" with four talks on the closing session.
Register at:
Dissemination: TUMS MediTec Workshop closed today with the 4th webinar.

The fineal session of the wokshop took place today. The online webinar is available at:
The count of live participants were:
98 participants for the September 2nd seminar
165 participants for the September 9th seminar
145 participants for the September 16th seminar
more than 70 (temporary number) for the September 21st seminar.
MediTec Center: University of Basrah finishes Equipment training

University of Basrah staff finished the equipment training for the MediTec center. The center is now completely installed and ready to be used once the University is back normal after the current COVID-19 restrictions.
Projekt MediTec geht in die Verlängerung
Durch die Verzögerung durch die COVID-19 Pandemie konnten Austauschaktivitäten nicht in normalem Umfang und wie geplant stattfinden. Deshalb wurde eine Verlängerung des Projektes beantragt und für 8 Monate genemigt.
Online Workshop on Telemedicine
Online workshops organized in Jordan
There will be two workshops on February 10, 2021 and February 16, 2021 on Telemedicine with the topics:
- Utilization of Telemedicine and Information Technology in Health Care (Feb 10), 11AM-1PM
- Research Ethics and Institutional Review Boards (Feb 16) 1pm - 3PM
Both workshops are heald on Zoom.
01-08-2021 12-08-2021
Announcement of 5 upcoming events:
The first event is the students’ training for participants from Jordan, Iraq and Iran. This training is planned for dates 01 August 2021 – 12 August 2021. The first half of training will be held at the Aqaba campus of the University of Jordan, and the second – at the Amman campus of the University of Jordan.
Trainers from the Jordan universities and from European universities (Masaryk University, Brno; University of Malta; Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and HTWK - Leipzig) will deliver lectures and classes in off-line and on-line modes. The training agenda was prepared according to the MediTec project specific objectives and will cover questions of IT applications and innovations in Medicine.
The second event is the training for teachers and staff members from Jordan, Iraq and Iran partners will be conducted on 04 – 05 August 2021 at the Jordan University of Science and Technology. Lecturers from Jordan universities and from the University of Malta and Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice will deliver topics related to eLearning in Medicine, Methodologies and unified ICT platform for optimisation of curricula at medical faculties, Health 5.0 and Innovative, Intelligent Biomedical Methods and other. Classes will be performed both in the off-line and in on-line modes.
The third event is the staff training II for participants from Jordan, Iraq and Iran. This training is planned for dates 08 August 2021 – 09 August 2021 at the Amman campus of the University of Jordan. Lecturers from the Jordan universities, University of Malta and HTWK-Leipzig will perform training in off- and on-line forms in topics of Information Technologies application in Medical education and E-learning.
The fourth event is the Dissemination Conference, which will be conducted on 10th – 11th of August 2021 at the premises of the University of Jordan. The main focus is on the presenting the MediTec results and deliverables and their discussion with the broad spectre of stakeholders, including Ministry of higher education, National Erasmus Office, universities and students.
The fifth event is the Final Management meeting of the MediTec consortium partners, dedicated mainly to internal reporting, management and preparation of the Final Report documents.