Work Package 3: Training and Integration the Training Program in Teaching System

Training of students and staff of project implementation units have been organized in European partners during the 2nd and the 3rd project years, mobility’s from Jordan, Iran and Iraq to European partners aimed to implement the deliverable, European partners conducted trainings on methodical aspects of modernizing training programs and materials; European partners supported training sessions with presentation and practical applications.
The workpackage Leader: All European and local coordinators
Expected Outputs:
Studying of EU experience by mobility of staff and students
Develop training programs for the training on innovative medical technology
Improvement of training methodical complexes on base of modernized training and training of instructors
Integration the medical training program in study programs at the universities
Development of multimedia approach and manuals for modernized training
Arabic Description
حزمة العمل 3: تدريب ودمج البرنامج التدريبي في نظام التدريس
سيتم تنظيم تدريب للطلاب والعاملين في وحدات تنفيذ المشروع في بلدان الشركاء الأوروبيين خلال العامين الثاني والثالث من عمر المشروع، ومن المقرر التنقل من الأردن وإيران والعراق إلى أوروبا لتنفيذ النتائج، وسيقوم الشركاء الأوروبيون بإجراء تدريبات على الجوانب المنهجية لتحديث البرامج والمواد التدريبية وسيدعم الشركاء الأوروبيون الجلسات التدريبية مع تقديم التطبيقات العملية.
قائد حزمة العمل: جميع الشركاء الأوروبيين والمحليين
النتائج المتوقعة:
دراسة تجربة الاتحاد الأوروبي من خلال تنقل الموظفين والطلاب
تطوير برامج تدريبية للتدريب على التقنيات الطبية المبتكرة
تحسين مجمعات التدريب المنهجية على أساس التدريب الحديث وتدريب المدربين
دمج برنامج التدريب الطبي في البرامج الدراسية بالجامعات
تطوير نهج الوسائط المتعددة وكتيبات التدريب الحديثة
Work Package 3: Training and Integration the Training Program in Teaching System
Auswirkungen auf die Partneruniversitäten
Neue Erkenntnisse des Trainings in den Partnerländern haben Einfluss auf verschiedene Curricula in Duhok gefunden. So wurden die folgenden Kurse verbessert:
Topic | Changes | School/College |
Internal Medicine | Promoting MCQ Questions, Theory presentation | College of Medcine |
Clinical Pharmacy | Promoting MCQ Questions, Theory presentation | College of Pharmacy |
Clinical Sessions | Communication Skills | College of Medicine |
Human Anatomy | Updating Curriculum | College of Dentistry |
Histology | Updating Curriculum | College of Dentistry |
Pathology | Updating Curriculum | College of Dentistry |
Clinical skills foundation course and early clinical exposure | Newly added to the curriculum | College of Medicine |
Human anatomy and Physiology | Using 3D Technology | College of Medicine |
Teaching Methods | Using Moodle for most of the purposes related new advances in learning technology | College of Medicine |
Clinical Examination using manikins | Two newly established manikins’ lab and OSCE lab. | College of Medicine |
Online Formative Assessments | Newly added to the curriculum | College of Medicine |
Student Selected Components (SSC) | Newly added to the curriculum | College of Medicine |
Outcome Based Integrated Lectures and Assessments | Newly added to the curriculum | College of Medicine |
University of Jordan
Course Anatomy developed at the University of Jordan
During the project, the University of Jordan developed a new course "Anatomy". The slides can be found here.
Anatomy Weeks 1-2
Anatomy Weeks 7-8
Anatomy Weeks 9-10
Anatomy Weeks 11-12
Anatomy Week 13
Anatomy Week 14
Anatomy Week 15
An PSUT entwickelte Kurse
Basierend auf den vorgestellten Themen entwickelte PSUT die folgenden Kurse:
- "Artificial intelligence in health care"
- "Biomedical and health informatics"