Work Package 1: Review, State of the Art and Network between Partner Universities

In this work package assumed the following: establishment of the partners network beginning with detailed analysis in Jordan, Iran and Iraq, in order to familiarize the project partners, analytical study to determine the requirements and needs of the project based on specific criteria in the areas concerned have been formulated by a group of specialists formulating the project tasks (training needs and aims, tasks, working principles), and recruiting staff teams that are able to take over this responsibility
The Work package Leader: HTWK
Expected Outputs:
Project start up activities
Studies for the needs of students, doctors and teachers
Prepare operation plans for the training on innovative medical technology
Arabic description
حزمة العمل 1: المراجعة، الحالة الراهنة والشبكة بين الجامعات الشريكة
في حزمة العمل هذه: سيتم إنشاء شبكة شركاء تبدأ بتحليل مفصّل في الأردن وإيران والعراق، من أجل تعريف شركاء المشروع، ستكون الدراسة التحليلية لتحديد متطلبات واحتياجات المشروع بناءً على معايير محددة في المناطق المعنية سيتم صياغتها من قبل مجموعة من المتخصصين الذين يصوغون مهام المشروع (احتياجات وأهداف التدريب، المهام، مبادئ العمل)، وتعيين موظفين قادرين على تولي هذه المسؤولية.
HTWK :قائد حزمة العمل
:النتائج المتوقعة
أنشطة بدء المشروع.
دراسات لاحتياجات الطلاب والأطباء والمدرسين
إعداد خطط التشغيل الخاصة بالتدريب على التقنيات الطبية المبتكرة
Topics for the Trainings

In contrast to other disciplines, it is common in medicine that universitites are, besides being active in basic research, service providers. Thus, they have a theoretical knowledge but at the same time, they have a special view on the job market and the daily routine and needs. They can therefore speak for both sides.
The choise of topics has been discussed in mulitple sessions. First, the curricula were compared and differences identified. In addition, known issues in the training at the partner universities were discussed and added to possible training requirements.
The decision on the topics has been done together with the University hospitals in the EU and has been optimized to benefit from the match of teachers and learners.