Staff Training - Kosice, Slovakia

The first project's training in Košice, Slovakia was intended for teachers from partner countries. The training took place at the Faculty of Medicine, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJS), Slovakia on 21st to 24th November 2018.
Staff Training - Kosice, Slovakia
Staff Training in Brno

The training for teachers in Brno, Czech Republic was organised by Masaryk University during the period of 14th to 18th January 2019. The training agenda was prepared according to the MediTec project specific objectives that should identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats of the existing training programs, including academic and non-academic staff skills as well as to introduce and modernise the training curriculum, teaching material and exam methods as base for improved training program in Health Sciences.
Staff Training in Brno
Staff Training in Malta

The training for teachers in Malta was organised by the University of Malta during the period of 26 – 28 June 2019. The training agenda was prepared according to the MediTec project specific objectives combining medical sciences and information technologies. The training program included also topics in Advances in Medical Education and field visits to clinics and labs.
Staff training at the University of Duhok, Iraq

Staff training at the University of Duhok, Iraq and the Dissemination Seminar for Medical education via innovative eTechnology /MediTec has been conducted on January 8-9, 2020.
Professors of the Masaryk University, Brno - Dr. Ales Bourek and Dr. Erik Staffa visited the University of Duhok and performed the training.
The following general areas were addressed during this 2-day meeting:
- Health Service Transformation, Health Literacy (What it is and how to train it efficiently)
- Medical studies curriculum, specifically in Biophysics
- Quality management and collaboration in health care.
Staff training at the University of Duhok, Iraq
Virtual School I at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Virtual School I at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences "Instructional design and implementation of emerging technologies in medical education: The experience of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in Iran" was held in February 2 - 5, 2020.
Virtual School I at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Virtual School II at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Virtual School II at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences "Instructional design and implementation of emerging technologies in medical education: The experience of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in Iran" was held in the period August 31 - September 21, 2020, including both synchronous and asynchronous events.
Virtual School II at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Online training for staff in Jordan

The online training for staff in Jordan was held by the partner Int@E (Germany) in February 2021.
Students and staff training workshops in Jordan

The University of Jordan in cooperation with the local coordinator the Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) and Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK) conducted a serie training workshops for medical students and staff from partner universities.
The training workshops conducted for two weeks, 1st – 12th August, 2021. The first week was at the University of Jordan-Aqaba branch, and in the JUST; the second week in the Amman campus of University of Jordan.